Monday, May 21, 2012

IHSW May 2012 and TUSAL

I have always wanted to participate in the

Interntional Hermit and Stitch Weekend (IHSW)

but there never seemed to be the time.

BUT, this month I did take time

and I worked on the May robin

from the Prairie Schooler Spring and Fall leaflet.

I also took a photo of my ORTs/TUSAL for this month. 

It doesn't reflect all

my little thread bits because I used to throw them away, but it's rather

nice to see a little reflection of the effort.  (besides the actual project)

So look, Debbie and Linda, I am making some progress!
(please, I'm lonely stitching this)

C'mon, get started on May!


  1. Yoo Hoo, I congratulated you over at your ol' homestead and then toddled on over here.
    Delightful to see you here!

  2. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog! Your robin looks cute, and he's almost finished--great job!

  3. Hey, Rosemary! He looks great! I really love the little blue flowers that compliment his brown and orange. And what a pretty glass to hold your ORTs!

  4. Hola Rosemary, trabajaste mucho el fin de semana, casi terminas tu proyecto de este mes. ¡Felicidades!

    Hi Rosemary, worked a lot this weekend, almost finish your project this month. Congratulations!

  5. The robin looks lovely - a finish is in sight!

  6. What a pretty little birdie. LOVE that you have an ORT glass. Pretty glass too. I have never heard of INTERNATIONAL HERMIT & STITCH WEEKEND. I am going to check out that link....
